Whether you ever read this or not makes no difference. I do love you and care very deeply about you but also know just how unhealthy and toxic our relationship was. I will always love you and want to be with you and that is why I can never talk to you or see you again, not implying you would ever want to, just stating how it is and would be for me. If I were to talk to you or see you, I would be right back in it in a heartbeat and I know that, which is why I have been so adamant about getting my items returned back to me and closing the door. Getting those things back eliminates any possibility whatsoever of us having any reason to ever communicate again. It would shut the door completely. You’re inner woven into me and I don’t know if I ever can or could untangle you out. I do love you, care deeply about you and adore you and I sincerely hope and wish that you are extremely happy. I hope and wish you all the happiness, calm, peace, fortune and health in the world. So, please.